WesternLumaxLight SuperiorHRP substrate
The best choice for routine, film-imaged Western blots WesternLumaxLight Superior HRP substrate is more
sensitive than other chemiluminescent substrates, soyou can conduct shorter exposures, load less sample,
or use up to ten-times less antibody. Save time and money with WesternBright ECL.
DescriptionWesternLumaxLight Superior is a horseradish peroxidase substrate optimized for chemiluminescent Westernblots imaged using X-ray film. WesternLumaxLightECLrequiresaslittle as ten times less antibody thanother substrates,allowing you to save precious antibodies and samples. Additionally, the WesternLumaxLightsignal is long lasting,allowing multiple exposures to be carried out without substantial signal decay.
WesternLumaxLight Superior detects equal amounts of protein with up to ten times less antibody.
Duplicate slot blots containing serial dilutions of transferrin were probed with the antibody dilutions
shown,and detected with either WesternLumaxLight Superior or Pierce ECL (Thermo Scientific) accor
-ding to themanufacturers’instructions. The blots were imaged simultaneouslyon the same piece
of film.WesternLumaxLight Superior produced thesame signal with ten times less primary and five
times lesssecondary antibody.
AftertryingWesternLumaxLight Superior,weimmediatelyswitchedfromourusualbrandandnowuseitonaweeklybasis.
WesternLumaxLight Superiorisbetterthan(theECLsubstrate)Iusedtousebecauseofitshighsensitivity.Most of my
researchinvolvesdetectinglowamountsofinducedproteins,suchasgp91phoxandHIF-1. Ihad some challenge to
detecttheseproteinswhenIusedothersubstrates;however,WesternLumaxLight Superiorhelpstodetectthesetargets.
Now,IcandetecttheseproteinsusinglesssamplewiththeWesternLumaxLight Superiorsystem.Mywholelabhas now
switchedtoWesternLumaxLight Superior.
WehaveswitchedtotheWesternLumaxLight Superiorreagentforstraightwesternandco-IPwesternblotting. We